Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The First Man You Remember (Aspects Of Love)

The name Skinny Rabbit was given to me by the very uncle/godfather/doctor of illnesses mentioned a blog ago. I've always been nothing but bones, so that's what he called me. The title Showtime! comes from him as well. I have long eyelashes. They're sexy and girls are jealous of me. He would always exclaim Showtime! whenever I would blink, comparing my batting eyelashes to a theatre curtain. I'm not gonna lie, it made me feel like a star.

I'm holding on to Skinny Rabbit as my stomach seems to be continuously expanding. I try to suck it in, but I just don't have the will. I could do crunches, but I just don't have the will. I could eat less, but I don't think I'm eating more. Maybe I'm like those kids on TV who are super skinny but are so malnourished that they have these beer guts and need me to send money in order to support their drinking habits. I'm going to bed.


Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

you don't eat too much, you just eat too much pizza and subs! haven't you had any home cooked meals since you've been gone? AND don't forget; a big life change can cause a big change in your body. Have you recently started the pill?

skinny-rabbit said...

i love you