Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Waiting For This Moment (Tarzan)

Something huge is about to happen in my life. I'll blog about it when it happens. In the meantime, try and guess. Here's a multiple choice quiz to figure out on your own. Please write your answer in the comment forum.

What life-changing event is Skinny-Rabbit anticipating?

a) The loss of his virginity
b) A major role in a major production that he's been in consideration for but hasn't mentioned because of jinx fears
c) A trip to L.A. with his sister who works in the tv industry and has connections
d) Revealing his true sexual identity to his Lebanese/Mexican Orthodox/Catholic family
e) A nose job! (finally!)
f) His papers for his transfer to the New York Hard Rock are about to go through


Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

this is a tough one. I gotta say revealing your sexuality to your lesbian/mexmex family. second guess is the play one.

Lindsay said...

i'm going with the coming out to your family one also.

The ArtofBeingMe said...

no....i'm gonna pray to the golden gods that it's the hard rock papers......but something tells me you put that one in there just to get me all worked up.

i bet the truth is you're going to L.A.