Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cantiamo D'Amore (Kiss Me, Kate)

Okay, what the hell is with people's desperation to be in a relationship? All of the following events occurred today:

After rehearsal I was waiting for my ride with this annoying girl whom I had decided not to ever talk to because I don't want her to think she can be my friend. But I figured why be an asshole? Might as well make small talk. So she alludes to the fact that she's got the blues. Ugh, fine, I'll bite. What's wrong? Then she makes me promise not to tell anybody. I promise, knowing that I probably won't keep it. Anywho, she starts off her sad story by explain that she has a great life: good parents, funny brother, good grades, loves her singing, yada yada yada. So what could possibly be the one thing wrong? I think to myself, please make it something like she's got an eating disorder or is a cutter. No such luck. She doesn't have a boyfriend and that's her big woe. Get over it girlfriend, I tells her! Bitch is 17. Fuck, she's got her whole life to worry about that shit. I told her that most of us young people in the show are single and we're happy as clams, so chill.

Then I go out to dinner with my parents, my brother, and his girlfriend. All of a sudden, now that jerkface has a girlfriend, he's some sort of matchmaker. My mother was saying that my sister is looking for a boyfriend, so he said when he goes to Hong Kong to visit her, he'll find her someone. Then he's asking my parents if they have anyone for his single friend. And then, when the conversation turned to the daughter of a family friend, my brother asked me why I don't go out with her. Um, hello?!

And just as I'm writing this, my mother asked my father who he was just talking to on the phone, and he explains that this guy he knows is trying to find his daughter a boyfriend. UGH!

It's really frustrating to me that everyone around doesn't think we're whole unless we have a mate. What the fuck? Maybe I'm in denial, but I'm happy to be single. That's not to say that I don't want a relationship or that I never think about it (I do, oh I do), but on my list of priorities, it falls at around number seven. It's not something I'm actively pursuing and it's not something I need right now. I'd rather attack my career full force and work towards getting the hell out of Ottawa.

I'm probably so sickened by these needy people because I really came into my own as a human being when I discovered that I don't need anybody, and I value my independence. I love my friends, but I don't need to be by them every second of the day, or even talk to them more than once a month. As for family, well I could frankly do without them (eek, did I really just write that?). Yes, I get excited when I meet someone new that I have chemistry with, but I always take it slow because I know it might not last. Some of my friends meet someone and thing of marriage. I just don't get it.


The ArtofBeingMe said...

I am with you on this. People do not need to base their self worth on another person. I never actively pursue a boyfriend, i just let it happen and for the last few years my luck has been my way in that department. but when i'm single again, i will embrace it happily.
i think the people who are desperate for companionship and mates are not 100% happy with themselves and secure in their own identity.

The ArtofBeingMe said...

I am with you on this. People do not need to base their self worth on another person. I never actively pursue a boyfriend, i just let it happen and for the last few years my luck has been my way in that department. but when i'm single again, i will embrace it happily.
i think the people who are desperate for companionship and mates are not 100% happy with themselves and secure in their own identity.

The ArtofBeingMe said...


Lindsay said...

haha, 17 year olds are stupid. remember when actively pursuing a boyfriend at that age meant asking the boy you thought was cute if he'd "go out with you?" and then you'd never really go on dates, you'd just hold hands at lunchtime and then everyone knew you were boyfriend and girlfriend. hahahahahahahahahahha...

skinny-rabbit said...

weren't you dating a 30 year olf when you were 17?

artsmonkey said...

one of the most annoying things are couples who need to set up their single friends. i think couples get nervous around singles... in general.
i on the other hand, am apparently in a relationship - but am pretending like i'm not...
i think single = independence in my head.
but when i was 17 all i wanted was a boyfriend... probably b/c i hadn't had one yet.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

When I was seventeen...from when I was 9 to the time I was 19, all I wanted was a boyfriend. It was because I had nothing to write about in my journal and that bored me.

But now I have one, one I'm hoping/assuming I'm gonna be with forever and I still have the same problems I used to. I'm still consistantly working on myself. Just alongside him. Now that I have him, I can't picture my life without him, just the same as I can't picture my life without my friends.

She's just bored and needs to make out at a cast party. That got me over needing a boyfriend.