Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Pleased With Myself (Starting Here, Starting Now)

I think we're all in agreement that I can be quite neurotic. I never share my food; I alphabetize my cds, books, and dvds; I can be a neat freak (when I'm not lazy); I almost always wear two t-shirts and pants, even when it's hot outside, because I refuse to give in to summer; when I walk I have to step on the cracks with my heals; I'm OCD about the way I do most things; and much much more!

But I like me. I like me for it.

Last night I was talking to a friend who was mentioning someone she might like to set me up with, but decided it was a bad idea since we are too similar - both way too neurotic. She figured if the other person wasn't perfect I wouldn't be able to accept them. I told her the opposite was true. I love imperfection. People who are "perfect" are hiding something.

A few months ago, back when I was with some of my favourite people in Toronto, we were playing a round of Psychologist. Someone asked the person next to me to name their biggest flaw. Answering for me, that person said that they had no flaws because they are perfect. When I exclaimed "psychologist" there was a big reaction. Everyone assumes that because of what I put out there (I fucking love myself) that I can't see my own flaws. Let me make this clear. I AM PERFECT.

To me, perfection is having flaws. To say that I am perfect, therefore have no flaws is untrue. I am perfect because I do have flaws. Perfect? Perfect.

I love that I can't skate, and that I freak out if other people do my dishes, and that I when I put something away, it has to be put away "just so." And I dig that about you too. I think it's fantastic that you don't like having your wrists touched, and that you'd rather stay in and read than go out, and that you're desiring to be desired, and that you're serving coffee instead of being famous, and that you got a bad haircut.

So while I talk about my vanity and loving myself, and about how I don't like ugly people or boring people, just remember that I am aware of my issues, and that I love ugly people's issues too... just as long as they're not ugly and boring.


bedroomprince said...

Ugly AND boring is the worse. None of my dear blogger friends are ugly nor boring. I love my dear blogger friends!

The ArtofBeingMe said...

I loved all of those things about you when i lived with you. I took pride in telling people that my roomate alphabetised his cd's and dvds and that one time when i asked you what should i clean, you handed me the swiffer duster and told me to dust each one of your cds. i loved that. seriously. People with neurosies are so much more interesting.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

I too like things that make us us. Fuck building character! We're perfect just the way we are!

artsmonkey said...

this blog is perfect.