Saturday, December 09, 2006

Good 'N' Evil (Jeckyll & Hyde)

I met another guy tonight that the same friend is sleeping with. That's two of five. She's got five relationships going on at the same time. Most of them know about each other. She has great sex with them all and some mean more to her than others. It was kind of trippy to see her with two different guys, two nights in a row, acting the exact same way with both of them. It's funny, because, like her, it's so hard for me to decide which one I like better. I meet one and I'm like, oh yeah, he should be the only one. And then I meet the other and think, oh yeah, he should be the only one. It's a tough life she must be leading.

I on the other hand have been dating Myself exclusively and have gone celibate. Yes, I've even stopped touching myself. Well, at least to the point of ejaculation. Mostly because we're trying to make this relationship work, and since before it was mostly based on sex - well, handjobs - we're going for a deeper connection.

I think it's super cool that I'm dating only Myself and sleeping with no one, and she is dating and sleeping with five different men. This is so Sex And The City.


Lindsay said...

i like this plan of yours. i might try it too.

The ArtofBeingMe said...

if i were her i'd be stressed out. i did it with two people once and i almost had a nervous breakdown. i'm a monogamous type of lady.

artsmonkey said...

5 people. wow. i don't know if i could juggle that.
i am however dating myself and someone else.
both are highly sexual relationships.
good times

skinny-rabbit said...

I think the reason she's not having a hard time is because 4 of them live out of town.

The ArtofBeingMe said...

yes, but how do u manage all that traveling? ick.

skinny-rabbit said...

they come to her.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

are we blogging via comments now?