Monday, September 01, 2008

Conquering New York (Wonderful Town)

There's no excuse not to be in New York City at all times.  Two trips in one summer.  I'm feeling more and more like I live there.  There's nothing better than seeing In The Heights twice, and dying both times, and seeing [title of show] three times and dying all three times, and seeing DansyAnsyPants and hearing her talk about maybe blogging again one of these days.  I just want to be there always.  Why can't I?  Why aren't I rich?  I bought a new fall/winter coat from Sacks Fifth Avenue that was 70% off so I could justify spending just under $200 for it.  And it was fun talking to the cashiers.  They were so sweet and lovely and talky.  I've decided that instead of cutting myself off from the shopping world, I'm going to start only buying clothes that are on sale.  It's something that disgusts me, but I have to do it in order to keep feeling fabulous.  I'm always going to take a tip from a New York shopping tips website I saw a long long long time ago, and I'm going to start purchasing clothes to wear for a day, keep the tags on, and return it the next day.  It's really the smartest way to look good everyday, and never be seen in the same outfit twice.  Lord help me, keep my pits from sweating.

PS - The Sex And The City tour was hot shit.  We went to Scout!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Scout exists???? Where else did the tour take you?!

You and New York are fabulous. I love your lives.