Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Little Less Conversation (All Shook Up)

I passed by ArtsMonkey on Queen Street tonight at around 5:35pm and I didn't say hello. I just let her pass me. She was with a man. She didn't see me. I was with a chick. I wonder what would have happened had I said hello. The conversation would have gone one of two ways.

Scenario One:

SkinnyRabbit: Hey! I can't talk. I'm walking Natasha to work and she starts very soon.
ArtsMonkey: This is awkward.

Scenario Two:

ArtsMonkey sees SkinnyRabbit and excitedly hollers a friendly hello. SkinnyRabbit barely nods and walks around her.


artsmonkey said...

haha. i ran into two other people i knew in the same span of time. both run ins were awkward. weird.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

I like running into people when I'm alone and they're alone and we both wish we weren't. That's always nice.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

yeah, blog again now. well, not now because next top model's on.

but after.