Monday, February 23, 2009

Sleep, Baby, Don't Cry (Carib Song)

Another young life was taken way too soon.  An awesome guy that I used to work with passed away last week.  He was younger than me.  This is sad.  Every time a life is taken and I read or hear the words of their loved ones, or see their faces, I can't help but picture my own friends and family at my own funeral.  It's kind of a depressing thought, but for me, it's actually heart warming, because I know that my funeral would be filled with countless people that I have loved and who've loved me.  It feels good to know that I have so many amazing friends and acquaintances that I've gotten to know in my lifetime.  I may have about 700 friends on Facebook, but that's not just for show, in fact, I'm struggling to keep it under 700.  I actually know every one of those people in some capacity or another.  Whenever my Facebook friends list gets to big I start deleting.  My one criteria is, if I die, will I this person need to know about it or want to come to the funeral.  It may sound odd, to me it's a very logical way of thinking.

I've said this in past blogs, but I feel that if I were to die today, I would die a satisfied man.  I have never had a great love, or children, or a thriving, successful career.  But I am extremely proud of the way I have lived my life.  The friends I've made, the places I've travelled, the career I pursued, the chances I took, the character I've built.  I think I'm pretty alright.  The only worry I have about my funeral is that my parents will never have really gotten to know me as well as everyone else in my life.

I've decided that I need to do something.  Now.  Like very, very soon.  I need to write hand written letters to each and every person who has touched me and whom I consider to have been a great friend.  Everyone who has brought some value to my life and who's friendship I have appreciated.  I think it's important to do this.  When I'm dead, I'll know how much you've loved me, but will you know much I've loved you?  I think it would be a great gift.  I won't make up a will because I have nothing except an impressive collection of DVDs and some pictures of Michelle Pfeiffer.  No.  I have to let these people know how much they've meant to me in a letter.  My words.

I'm sorry to have sounded morbid, but if these past few months has taught me anything, it's that it can be anyone, anywhere, anytime.


Lindsay said...

Oooh, I can't wait for my letter.

artsmonkey said...

i've had the same feelings lately re: if i die now being satisfied.
i think this is a good sign. no regrets.

Montag said...

I was browsing on theater and popped in.
I found your post to be very poignant and moving. What marvelous people mortals are.