Friday, October 10, 2008

We Do Not Belong Together (Sunday In The Park With George)

Okay, our working relationship is not that bad, but I'm sick of having to constantly fix her mistakes.  Why is the director of my show so stupid?  Ugh.  I hate that she's can't acknowledge that she's an amateur.  Why would she block all the classroom scene with all the students facing upstage?  The ones with lines, even!  Why would she want someone who can't play violin but can play piano to be playing violin while standing next to a piano?  I've managed to get my point across on many occasions and I've fought and won many battles.  But between me and the musical director we're definitely started to step on her toes and I can tell she's going to snap any moment.  But we're not doing it to make her feel shitty, we're doing it to fix her shitty work and save the show.  Everyone will sound great and the dance numbers will be fucking amazing.  The rest of the show will be caca.  I feel like I need to be there for every blocking rehearsal to give the actor tips when the director gives them no direction.  This is getting exhausting for me.  I barely have time to come up with choreography, so I can't be spending extra time working on her shit.  This is gay.  I always remind myself and the people around me that I'm new at this and I need help.  I have an assistant and I allow comments and input from my cast.  Why can't she be so open?  It works for me.  We're both nice people.  I guess I'm just smarter.  I can't wait until this is over and I never have to do this again.

1 comment:

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

Yeah. Bad direction is the worst. actors need help. they neeeed guidance!

singing and dancing can carry a show...and maybe she'll come to her senses?

I hope she doesn't snap!