Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair (South Pacific)

My two step program to getting over someone.

Step 1: Stay away from them. Only speak when spoken to. Make it brief. Pretend you don't care. Eventually you will start to believe yourself.

Step 2: Focus on their faults. The carpet's negative attitude, which originally turned me on, has of late turned me off so badly that I've become to only think negative thoughts about him. Phew.

So that's it. I like him a lot less. Good times. Still cute, though. Just losing lots of points in the personality department, and that's huge.

So the show is over. I'm not going through post-show withdrawl. It's nice. I'm sleeping lots.

Here are some backstage photos because I don't have any show photos yet.

I've noticed that I've stopped writing in all capitals and have been writing in all miniscules. I wonder what that's a reflection of.


The ArtofBeingMe said...

this slide show is special.

so are you and your will power is extra hot. you can fall un-in-like with this guy. he's a dud.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

Can I please have all of those costumes? And the wigs. Can you please steal them for me?